Monday, October 11, 2010

Oishii Sushi Platter

This is my sushi platter charm that I made using air dry clay. And as usual, I got the inspiration from Cut Out and Keep, Sumptuous Sushi Platter (taken from the book the Polymer Clay Cookbook).

I had to make adjustments because air dry clay has different texture than polymer clay. It dries by exposing to the air (no baking needed) and it has a rubbery texture when it dries. I have never tried using polymer clay, but I think it turns hard after being baked in the oven.

Here's my version of the the sushi platter. I added tamago sushi, cucumber roll, and ikura sushi because I thought it would be boring just to have nigiri sushi.

Itadakimasu, minna!

The sushi assortment, before being put on a platter

The sushi platter, haven't put a bail on it yet