Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why do we read?

While I was searching for the materials for my final project, I found this interesting article about why we read.

Personally for me, it depends on the text itself. If the texts are in novels or comics (comedy is preferable), I read it either for pleasure or because I'm bored. But if the texts are in science book or something like that, the answer definitely is because I HAVE to read it. It's just unavoidable.

So, the question is, why do you read?


  1. Hmm....interesting..
    tapi kadang kita lupa sesuatu lho..
    "membaca" itu ga selalu identik dengan "buku" kan?
    aku suka membaca, tapi jarang buat membaca buku..
    jadi kalo ditanya why do you read?
    most of my answer will be "i need to read"


    biasa, saya emang butuh aja...cenderung ke unavoidable sih setiap ilmu iti...
    *agak terkesan sombong ga sih commentku?*
    just for fun

  2. Ah iya, I shouldn't specify that on books. What I mean is text. Gonna correct that. ^^

  3. And... when you need to read something, that means you read it for information, right? Either you relay that to other people, or it's just unavoidable for you to read.

  4. i read in order to do sth,,
    whether im about to killing time, i NEED-or HAVE TO- do so, and sometime i read when i find sth interesting in that matters..

    actually, READING is unavoidable for us indeed..unless ones are unable to read so that they may just pass over any texts without reading.. ;p

  5. Athrib : both of them Thrib...
    kadang aku relay to other people, tapi yang lebih utama ya itu..
    information itu emang penting og..hehehe

    mita : adanya tumblr mit..
